Tea of the day: Green tea (latte <3)

There will be painful times… Sad times…

And who’s with you through thick and thin? I’d have to say that it’s family.

Just remember that you’re never alone…

The hopes that we all carry are matched by the number of stars twinkling in the night sky (Speaking of which, looking at stars are actually looking into the past a million years ago. But they are indeed magical…)

The rustling of the wind on our bodies are premonitions for what’s to come tomorrow.

Now, let us take a stroll… To the melody from whichever song floats your boat.

I'd put a picture of the glass I made it in but it's all gone now...

I’d put a picture of the glass I made it in but it’s all gone now…

If anyone can guess where the above quote was from, tea is on the house.

Interesting ‘Tea-p’: Well, the UK apparently doesn’t have the best beverage ever. Everyone needs to try a green tea latte and I’m dead serious. (Do have it with soy milk though, it makes a difference. Starbucks normally has it but just not here. I’ll get my fix when I’m back in SIngapore.)

Well, I’ll just ramble on a bit about my day even if it was boring. Drove to Oxford. (gasp. Well, my cousin drove haha. Almost got you guys. I am actually legal. I do hope to get a license soon XD) Hanged around in the hospital cafe and did some math prep. Yes, I’m still slogging away at the first item on my to-do list. (If confused, see post about my half-term homework) and then made sushi and had it with kimchi tonight. And!

This wonderful sweet dessert drink.

This wonderful sweet dessert drink.

Say Kimchi!

Say Kimchi!

Wondering where I got all the cool asian food. The answer is this korean supermarket near where my cousin lives so yeah 🙂

Had a lovely asian day. Keep on drinking! (tea, of course)

Nicole-san ^^

Adventure Mode: Activated

Hi c:

Since I managed to leave the house and go exploring yesterday, I thought I should do it again. (N: Ahem, with a bit of prodding from me) I went a bit further today. I took a train to Liverpool Central (which was about 20 mins away). Initially, I planned to visit the World Museum and the Museum of Liverpool, then go shopping afterwards. Apparently, things didn’t go exactly as planned (but in a good way).


“I got my ticket for the long way round”…
well it wasn’t that long, but still

First, I plotted the route to the World Museum. On the way, I walked passed St John’s Garden (gosh An, another park?).

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lots of statues….

Behind the park is the World Museum. I went through an entrance which said “Liverpool Library”. I was very confused, I thought it was a museum… But I just looked around anyways.

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for two seconds I thought they sort their books by colours 😀


the interior of the library. so pweety

Once I got out, I realised that the two places were next to each other (almost linked) and casually walked into the World Museum like I totally knew that.


the linked World Museum and Liverpool Library

The reason I even wanted to go to the World Museum was because the admission is free. No, I’m kidding. (N: Most museums are free which is totally awesome. I couldn’t go to the Bank of England Museum like I had planned on Tuesday casue I woke up late. Guess what I was doing for you precious readers? Anyway I’ll go there one day.  P.s. It’s really sad that the Transport Museum in London isn’t freeeeee :()They had a magic exhibition which I was intrigued to go see: Magic Worlds. What I didn’t know was that, the museum’s target audience is… little children.

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There were magicians who were performing little tricks, which I found quite neat. They seemed very nice and kids-friendly (unlike me…. :c).

Afterwards, I just looked at all the other floors (which of course weren’t as interesting).

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yes, because you go anywhere, asians will be there, waiting for you 😀

Once I was done visiting the World Museum, I plotted to go to the Museum of Liverpool. For some reason instead of turning right, I turned left. Which fortunately brought me to the Walker Art Gallery. And even MORE fortunately, they had a David Hockey special exhibition. DAVID HOCKEY! (N: Who is this dude?) I love that man. I based my whole IGCSE art course around this man (and Andy Warhol, who was also featured at the gallery). My feet just brought me to where my heart was supposed to be c:

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Outside of Walker Art Gallery


Oh, how happy I was.

I wandered around and saw St John’s Hall. Though I wasn’t interested in musical things so I just looked through briefly the exterior.


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Selfie with statue like nobody’s business.

On my way through town to get to the Museum of Liverpool, I took a wrong turn because the pointer on my map app went funky. And then I found this:


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Holy Good Gracious Lord!!! I think I just drooled all over while walking through that place. Seriously though. It smelt so good. The aroma of that whole street was just divine.

I left the market area and headed straight to the Museum of Liverpool. On the way I went through another art exhibition: Open Eye Gallery. Unlike the other ones I wandered into, this one wasn’t as exciting.

FINALLY, I managed to get to the Museum of Liverpool (man, that took A LOT longer than expected…)


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look at all these kawaii sculptures c:

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pretty interior architecture

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The Beatles’ albums

This museum was a lot more…. random than the World Museum. The other one, in my opinion, was a lot more on the natural sciences side. This one was just… all over the place (in a good way). The Great Port was a small exhibition on transportation in Liverpool. Global City was about Liverpool trading with different countries. The first floor was an exhibition about our evolution, and a special exhibition for April Ashley – a transgender (the exhibition was set up to encourage the Gay Rights and such). The top floor was about the specials of Liverpool (like the Beatles, boxing, etc.) and some more random stuff which weren’t interesting enough for me to remember. Though it had a great view onto the sea and the Docks of Liverpool.

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On my way back, I walked by the harbour.

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another selfie with a statue, like a boss

Afterwards I rewarded myself with some shopping time for my good effort today (hahhahaha yeah right c: ) (N: Got anything for me?)

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I had an extremely lucky day today. It would have been just very boring how I previously planned it to be. But then I kept wandering around unintentionally and found a lot of interesting places. Returned home safely, and had a homely meal. I’m now a very happy child c: (N: WIsh I had time to blog about my day but I had work to do, unlike some lucky person.)

Keep calm and get lost in this world c:



My actual holiday

No trip out is ever complete without music. So yeah, I spent the whole day out in London walking around with earphones on. I wish I brought my headphones along (with me from Singapore of course).

Buckingham palace

Buckingham palace

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2013-10-23 12.25.26

My pretty face. Hair whipping in my face and all

My pretty face. Hair whipping in my face and all. In any case, it was hard enough trying to get the palace to fit into the picture.

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The switcheroo

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(They look like toy soldiers to me)

My first stop was the Buckingham Palace! (I have to mention that I’m on a really tight budget so basically i only went around free places). It was a little dark close to noon but it cleared out soon enough.

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I’m spamming pictures of the changing of the guard cause these are rare. (Just joking, they’re there every odd day. But still, it’s hard to get good pictures. You would never believe the crowd.)

Princess Diana Memorial Fountain I believe

Princess Diana Memorial Fountain, I believe…

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2013-10-23 12.19.58

After hanging out with lotsa tourists, I went to Green Park and just ate my breakfast and sat for about half an hour I reckon. I’ll try writing a poem if I ever finish my work ;p Basically, the grass was making waves cause the wind was blowing blowing and it was almost like the sea. So tranquil.

On my way to Hyde Park

On my way to Hyde Park (Is this how Apsley House, a house in my school, was named?)

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(Can you see the cool horse sign to signal guards on horses to cross the road? So cute.)

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Loads of war memorial statues I didn’t get and even a new one that opened last year during the diamond jubilee. (The one rocking the cool sky roof)

Finally arrived after walking for 30 minutes

Finally arrived after walking for 30 minutes

Map purchased for 10p (looks very ancient) after the kind old lady at Hyde Park corner told me where the best spots were

Map purchased for 10p (looks very ancient) after the kind old lady at Hyde Park corner told me where the best spots were

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Sorta like a river 😀

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I <3 Swans. They look so graceful. But I'd like to think that they actually paddle ferociously under the water. Looks can be deceiving. Besides, their feet are black. I actually want to see a black swan.

I ❤ Swans. They look so graceful. But I’d like to think that they actually paddle ferociously under the water. Looks can be deceiving. Besides, their feet are black. I actually want to see a black swan.

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Interesting ‘Tea-p’ : Did you know that swans are property of Her Majesty. Take good care of them or you could be fined. The same goes for most wildlife, including those pesky bats.

Princess Diana memorial

Princess Diana memorial

It’s basically a circular canal. Really cool. I’d want to leave my mark on the world someday. We all die anyway.

Now this blue water is the pond in front of Kensington Palace. I went in but they charge so I just walked straight out.

Now this blue water is the pond in front of Kensington Palace. I went in but they charge so I just walked straight out.

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I settle for what's outside the palace

I settle for what’s outside the palace

Spot the squirrel!

Spot the squirrel!

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The houses in London aren’t colourful actually (To An). They just look pretty. 🙂

After all that walking, I rewarded myself with a Mcflurry from Mac’s and went shopping at Primark, of course after walking to Bond Street. (Got a pair of shoes for 3 dollars, in the kid’s section of course) (Perks of being small-sized/asian :D)

I have to say I spoilt myself today. Supper was sushi from Wasabi. I was genuinely surprised cause the sashimi was so fresh and frankly it was really worth the money. So, how was your day like?

Nicole-san signing off~

Sand, Grocery and Smiley Faces

Hi c:

I felt kind of useless over the last few days, rolling around in bed and having an existential crisis: “Why am I here? What’s the point of my existence? What must I do with my useless life?”. So I decided that today, I must go out and explore the universe! (Well not technically the universe)

I’m staying in Waterloo, and nearby there’s a beach. I plotted my route to visit the place.

First, I took a walk through Victoria Park

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Everything was so tranquil and it just made me really happy c:

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On my way to the beach, I passed by another park: Adelaide Garden. (I know, so many parks. I like parks and I didn’t even go to all of them)

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I strutted (yes, very sassy~~) down the road and got to the beach (finally!). It’s been months since I last saw beach sand. It was so windy, my hair was everywhere, sand was flying into my eyes. Sounds a bit hectic, but it was nice and sunny (’cause I went at 1pm, smart me c:)

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Everyone was going in couple except me. Yes, everyone. Dogs count too.

Couple at the beach. They make me feel lonely :c

Couples at the beach. They make me feel sad and lonely :cRed Converse at the beach. 'Cause why not.Red Converse at the beach. ‘Cause why not.

So windy. Hair be slapping my face and then getting all tangled. DANG YOU HURR!

So windy. Hair be slapping my face and then getting all tangled. ERMAHGERD HURR!

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is how they scare the living crap out of children (and me).


Just casually standing in the middle of the freezing sea.

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Yup. Bronze statues, casually standing. They were EVERYWHERE. Someone put a scarf around one of them, how nice c:

What I love about England is that their houses are so colourful sometimes. It’s so pweety c:


I left the beach and went to the grocery store. Bought some Maltesers (because who can live a happy life without them) and juice. On my way back home, I saw a homeless man with his dog, quivering in the cold in front of the train station. I handed him a £2 coin with a smile on my face. He said: “Thank you very much, have a nice day, have a very nice day”. For some reason I said “Thank you” back to him instead of “You’re welcome” like I usually would. I don’t know. It probably makes me happy that I can make others happy c:

Got back, made some Tea and started writing this post. Such a nice day is it not?

Do something nice for others, drink some Tea and have an awesome day c:

An c:

Bath, that one place where you can comfortably relax in

Such a dirty person you are! Moving on……. to the real Bath.

As overseas students, we had the privilege of going on various trips and doing all sorts of fun things. Like the other week when we got to go to Bath. The touristy things doesn’t interest us much (N: well, I am interested but then I just forget after leaving), it was just nice to get out of school and go somewhere fun for once. (N: I went to Bath on Sunday, St. Pauls’ Cathedral and then this place we are about to describe on Wednesday. I have so much travel experience and I basically missed so much school that half term might as well have started for me.)

The bus ride was horrifying (A: at least for me that was; I get motion-sick). But then we got there and it was all alright.

If any of you visit Bath, do take pictures of the facade. It’s a world heritage okay? I love the victorian style.

We visited the Roman Baths, where Nicole took a million pictures. She seriously stopped every step she took to take a picture. (N: As mentioned earlier, I would forget) An took some too, but not as much d: (N: Therefore, by simple deduction, most photos are courtesy of me.)


The Roman Bath


Steamy ~~~

The Roman Baths

The strong infrastructure


Here’s how to spot a cool person: They wear Roman costumes


I can’t figure out how to fix this puzzle…

We got out of the Roman Baths and had free time to roam around the city.

Bath Abbey

Bath Abbey (Pretty)

We walked to the Pulteney Bridge, saw River Avon.


Pulteney Bridge


River Avon

Then we went to the Circus, up to the Royal Crescent and back.


The Circus


The Royal Crescent

We had lunch at an Italian restaurants where the waiters were very nice (they gave us mints and were basically very polite). What caught our eyes was that their menu said: “Do not operate your mobile phone while dining. It is very impolite and anti-social”. That’s pretty damn ironic, considering we have a friend who always likes to scroll through his phone at the dining table (*ahem* that’s you Mikhail if you’re reading. I’m keeeding, but seriously)

We took off a while after and rushed to the meeting point, where we realised that we were an hour early…. So we just went shopping, because we were cool like that. Nicole bought a sweater in Gap Kids. (N: 7 pounds and my best buy ever) ‘Cause why settle for expensive clothes for adults? She’s a rebel, wearing kid’s clothes like it’s nobody’s business.

And that was basically Bath for you c:

No Tea today, cause it was expensive in the restaurant. But have Tea for us c;

Nicole and An c:


The history of Tea

I’ve always wondered what Tea Time was? Apparently the British have it in the evening. (Evening is not only when the sun sets so it can be quite early I guess?) (or something along those lines, I can’t remember) Well, I have tea everyday in my cousin’s flat at night. It’s those black bags that I get in school everyday.

Interesting ‘Tea-p’ (to be read phonetically): The London Tea Auction gave rise to the incredible invention of the tea bag.

I went off on a bit of a tangent there but did you know that tea originated from China? Yes, the ultimate opposite of the United Kingdom. This sacred drink was brought here by a seventeenth century queen. She would have to be someone we must thank very much. Even back in the eighteenth century, tea was almost like a drug (too addictive) that it had to be smuggled and illegally traded. I’m sure you’re very much more interested in the social history of tea though, aren’t you? Before I begin (actually come to the end), I’d have to start with China.

Interesting ‘Tea-p’: Tea boosted the morale in the world wars.

1. China

According to legend, in 2737 BC, the Chinese emperor Shen Nung was sitting beneath a tree while his servant boiled drinking water, when some leaves from the tree blew into the water. Shen Nung, a renowned herbalist, decided to try the infusion that his servant had accidentally created. The tree was a Camellia sinensis, and the resulting drink was what we now call (matcha <3) tea.



Containers for tea have been found in tombs dating from the Han dynasty(206 BC – 220 AD) but it was under the Tang dynasty (618-906 AD), that tea became firmly established as the national drink of China.  It was shortly after the late eighth century that tea was first introduced to Japan, by Japanese Buddhist monks who had travelled to China to study. Tea drinking has become a vital part of Japanese culture, as seen in the development of the Tea Ceremony.

Interesting ‘Tea-p’: Tea breaks are a tradition that have been with us for approximately 200 years.

2. Europe

So at this stage I believe Europe was rather lagging behind and wanted to catch up. In the latter half of the sixteenth century there are the first brief mentions of tea as a drink among Europeans. These were mostly from Portuguese who were living in the East as traders and missionaries. The Dutch, however, began to encroach on Portuguese trading routes in the East. By the turn of the century they had established a trading post on the island of Java, and it was through Java that in 1606 the first consignment of tea was shipped from China to Holland. Tea soon became a fashionable drink among the Dutch, and from there spread to other countries in continental western Europe, but because of its high price it remained a drink for the wealthy.

Interesting ‘Tea-p’: Tea actually refreshes the body as it raises the body temperature momentarily causing you perspire which creates a cooling effect.

3. Britain

Britain never used to be friends with Europe I guess cause they were suspicious of continental trends. Since 1600, the British East India Company (yes, this famous company) had a monopoly on importing goods from outside Europe, and it was likely that sailors on these ships brought tea home as gifts. The first dated reference to tea was from an advert in a London newspaper, Mercurius Politicus, from September 1658.

That Excellent, and by all Physitians (No, they could spell perfectly well, but it was fine as long as they sounded alright) approved, China Drink, called by the Chineans, Tcha (‘Cha’), by other nations Tay alias Tee (‘Tea’) is sold at the Sultaness-head, a cophee (‘coffee’) house is Sweetings Rents by the Royal Exchange, London.

This first coffee house had been established in London in 1652, and the terms of this advert suggest that tea was still somewhat unfamiliar to most readers, so it is fair to assume that the drink was still something of a curiosity.

Through the marriage of Charles II to Catherine of Braganza, a Portuguese princess and tea addict, tea was established as a fashionable beverage first at court, and then among the wealthy classes as a whole. Capitalising on this, the East India Company began to import tea into Britain, its first order being placed in 1664 – for 100lbs of China tea to be shipped from Java.

The story doesn’t stop there.

The end of the East India Company’s monopoly on trade with China ushered in the era of the tea clippers.

Tea clipper

Tea clipper

Individual merchants and sea captains with their own ships raced to bring home the tea and make the most money, using fast new clippers which had sleek lines, tall masts and huge sails. In particular there was competition between British and American merchants, leading to the famous clipper races of the 1860s.

Interesting ‘Tea-p’: 165,000,000 cups of tea are drunk in the UK every day.

4. America

Tea bags were invented here in the early twentieth century but sales only really took off in Britain in the 1970s. It is interesting how it all plays out because now British companies play a leading role in the world’s tea trade and British brands dominate the world market. (Twinnings,etc)

Interesting ‘Tea-p’: 80% of office workers now claim they find out more about what’s going on at work over a cup of tea than in any other way. Get out there and climb your way to the top. Don’t forget to thank us and watch out for more insights about that liquid in your cuppa. (or possibly about that cup)

Tea for Sick Days

Hi c:

I woke up this morning, lying in bed and everything was ok. Once I got out to go to the bathroom; ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE. My head was spinning, my eyes were blurry, my ears felt like I was deep under the sea (with Ariel and Nemo and such). I was perspiring like a man who just ran a 10km marathon. I couldn’t raise my arms to tie my hair back up. So I just sat on the floors, let all limbs loose, and waited, patiently.

I sat there like a dead fish. Unable to move. My head was swimming. My cousin was screaming in the background. I nearly saw my life flashing before my eyes. But fortunately that didn’t happen. I managed to crawl to the sink, washed my face and brushed my teeth. Wobbled my way to the kitchen for something to eat. Shuffling through all them chairs like some sort of olympic athlete. I felt achieved when I finally sat down with some buns, peanut butter and a cup of tea. My aunt gave me a packet of Vietnamese Ginger Tea, which to me was like some sort of magic potion. It didn’t taste very nice, but when you’re a dead fish, it doesn’t really matter does it?

Tea for Sick Days: Vietnamese Ginger Tea

Tea for Sick Days: Vietnamese Ginger Tea

Have some Tea, be healthy and be happy c:

An c:

Thoughts for the week: Reinvent

My core values are respect and hard work. Not too hard to follow. If I just uphold these values, the results will accrue in my favour and take care of themselves.

Trees stand strong

Trees stand strong

I’m still searching for a career. But there can never be the perfect one. Grab any chance you receive. But then work towards what you love and why you do what you do?

The goal in 7 words: MAKE WHAT WE LOVE WHAT WE DO.

We can expand our mind and ideas by trying new things and learning new subjects.

Take up belly dancing; join a Salsa class; sign up for Pilates;

read an author we are unfamiliar with;

camp by the sea at Brighton here (is that possible); walk a mile or two in Hype Park (Going to happen tomorrow?);

buy an espresso machine; learn a foreign language; meditate; go Karaoke-singing or sing in church;

tour a museum; eat something we’ve never tried before, and so on.

Basically, just do whatever “charting a fresh course” means to you.

Inspirations will come along the way on what new directions in life one wishes to take,

especially if we are not entirely happy with our current situation.

You’ll never know what may come your way.  So seize every opportunity.

Now, if you would just excuse me, I’m off to erm cook a sumptuous  brunch.

It always seems impossible until it is done, isn’t it?

Homework (1st half term)

This is the sad life of a student.

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Naruto (always so determined)

Holidays on one hand, but a crapload of work on the other.

We’re never left to our own devices. Youths are never spared the torture. (Reckoning hours are in brackets)

1. Thick Maths ws (1.5h)

2. Maths coordinate geometry test

3. Phy EAT test

4. Phy MUS 4.1 and 4.2 test

5. Chemistry (Who knows where or what it looks like) (supposedly to arrive by this thing called email) (once again spoiling my holiday)

6. Economics essay 🙂

7. Phys report on Thorpe Park (DARN I DIDN’T PLAN FOR THIS)

And so, life goes on… The circle of life. Why am I awake? Tea doesn’t keep me up.


Nicole aka dreamercole